Making the most of MBSE: pragmatic model-based engineering for the SKA Telescope Manager

Autor: Hermine Schnetler, Mike MacIntosh, Gerhard Le Roux, Alan Bridger, Stewart Williams, Mark Nicol
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.2232983
Popis: Many large projects including major astronomy projects are adopting a Model Based Systems Engineering approach. How far is it possible to get value for the effort involved in developing a model that accurately represents a significant project such as SKA? Is it possible for such a large project to ensure that high-level requirements are traceable through the various system-engineering artifacts? Is it possible to utilize the tools available to produce meaningful measures for the impact of change? This paper shares one aspect of the experience gained on the SKA project. It explores some of the recommended and pragmatic approaches developed, to get the maximum value from the modeling activity while designing the Telescope Manager for the SKA. While it is too early to provide specific measures of success, certain areas are proving to be the most helpful and offering significant potential over the lifetime of the project. The experience described here has been on the 'Cameo Systems Modeler' tool-set, supporting a SysML based System Engineering approach; however the concepts and ideas covered would potentially be of value to any large project considering a Model based approach to their Systems Engineering.
Databáze: OpenAIRE