Folliculite ankylostomienne compliquant une dépigmentation cutanée volontaire au Bénin

Autor: Hugues Adegbidi, P. Ngolo, Bérénice Dégboé, C. d’Almeïda, F. Akpadjan, Akimath Habib, Christiane Koudoukpo, Félix Atadokpèdé, N. Elégbédé, N. Agbessi
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Bulletin de la société de pathologie exotique. 112:190-194
ISSN: 0037-9085
Popis: Hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans is caused by the subcutaneous migration of hookworm larvae. The characteristic sign is a serpiginous cutaneous track. Folliculitis is an uncommon clinical manifestation. We report a case of hookworm-related folliculitis in a woman performing skin bleaching. A 33-year-old woman presented with a widespread cutaneous eruption made of erythematous and itchy follicular papulo-nodules, with erythematous serpiginous tracks, about 5-10cm long and numerous streaks of scratching, located on the limbs, buttocks and trunk. The cutaneous lesions occurred two days after contact with the floor of a warehouse contamined by faeces of cats. The lesions have been evolving for a week and have been treated with antibiotics without success. Clinical examination found cutaneous atrophy, purple stretch marks and hyperpigmentation of dorsal parts of fingers joints. The patient reported having been using bleaching cosmetics containing topical steroids and hydroquinone for twelve years. She was cured within 4 weeks with oral albendazole 400mg per day during 7 consecutive days.
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