Halodiatrype Dayarathne & K. D. Hyde 2016

Autor: Dayarathne, Monika C., Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N., Devadatha, B., Abeywickrama, Pranami, G, E. B., Jones, areth, Chomnunti, Putarak, Sarma, V. V., Hyde, Kevin D., Lumyong, Saisamorn, C., Eric H., Mckenzie
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7815111
Popis: Halodiatrype Dayarathne & K.D.Hyde Mycosphere 7 (5): 612-627 (2016). TYPE SPECIES. — Halodiatrype salinicola Dayarathne & K.D.Hyde, in Mycosphere 7 (5): 612-627 (2016). DESCRIPTION Sexual morph See Dayarathne et al. (2016). Asexual morph (on PDA after 60 d at 25°C) libertella-like, in black conidial drops. Conidia falcate, hyaline, 1-celled, smooth, upper end subacute, base truncate, curved to nearly semicircular. NOTES Halodiatrype was introduced by Dayarathne et al. (2016) and is significantly different to other genera in this family by having ascomata lacking stromatal tissues,comparatively large ascospores with septa and a libertella-like asexual morph. Generally, Diatrypaceae species have well-developed ascostromata with aseptate ascospores (Maharachchikumbura et al. 2015). In our phylogenetic analyses, species belonging to this genus formed a well-separated (75% ML, 0.92 PP) clade (clade B) along with the marine genus Pedumispora. Halodiatrype formed a well-separated (99% ML,90% MP,1.00PP) clade within Diatrypaceae (Fig. 1) supported by ITS phylogenetic data (Fig. 2). This study is the first report of an asexual morph for this genus from an axenic culture of Halodiatrype avicenniae.
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