Recipes for Legume Dishes in Europe

Autor: Nathansohn, Claudia, Pinto, Elisabete, Williams, Michael, Tran, Fanny, Maaβ, Henrik, Callenius, Carolin, Iannetta, Pietro
Jazyk: angličtina
Popis: This recipe book aims to present the positive properties of pulses and to highlight their valuable contribution to an improved food system. By modifying our daily diets to increase our consumption of pulses, we can help to bring about long-term changes for more environmentally friendly agriculture. Key to this transition is the consumers and the daily decisions they make whilst cooking or eating. The book showcases examples of recipes featuring pulses and encourages cookers to be creative with them. It also demonstrates the local legume traditions that have prevailed in Europe for many centuries and the cultural roots that are connected to them. Finally, the nutritional values and ecological footprint data of each recipe underpin the benefits of legumes for both health and the environment. This book is available digitally to reach a wide audience. It will also be distributed through the Slow Food networks and Slow Food Germany will distribute printed copies at various events and workshops to further promote the benefits of legumes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE