Development and evaluation of emotional competences in secondary education teachers

Autor: Juan Francisco Martín Izard, Patricia Torrijos Fincias
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: TEEM
Popis: The problems occurring day to day in a school require the planning of innovative strategies that would enable schools to be real spaces of coexistence, meeting and development. The educational work of teachers goes beyond getting a good academic performance in students, being success linked to promoting the development of people integrated in society. Developing a truly comprehensive education requires promoting and providing those involved in the teaching-learning process with a whole series of social and emotional tools that would enable them to meet successfully the challenges of everyday life [15].Under these assumptions, emotional development is presented as the ideal complement to cognitive development and Emotional Education as the strategy through which we can promote competences, abilities and skills that benefit personal and social welfare [5].Our research line is based on studies and researches that have been developed in the field of the Emotional Intelligence for more than 30 years by authors such as Gardner [16--17]; Salovey and Mayer [24][30]; Salovey and Sluyter [31]; Goleman [18][19]; Elias, Tobias and Friendlander [12], etc., and in the training needs presented by faculty to cope with the intra-and interpersonal challenges faced regularly.Thus, through intervention programmes, we intend to develop the emotional competences in teachers, not only to promote their own welfare but also to act as a model and promoter of attitudes, behaviors, emotions and feelings that would facilitate students' personal welfare [14].
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