Kredi/Mevduat Oranı (KMO) Gelişiminin Kredi Faiz Oranlarına Etkisi: Nedensellik Analizi ile Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme [The Effects of Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) Development on Loan Interest Rates: An Examination upon Turkey by Causality Analysis]

Autor: Ömer Faruk Tan, Abdurrahman Çetin, Mustafa Tevfik Kartal
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3862085
Popis: Turkish Abstract: 2002 sonrasinda bankacilik sektorunun buyume surecine girmesiyle birlikte finansal gostergelerde gelisme yasanmaktadir. Onemli gostergelerden bazilari aktif buyuklugu, kredi hacmi ve ozkaynak karliligidir. Bir diger onemli gosterge ise KMO’dur. 2006 yilsonunda %71,18 seviyesinde olan KMO, 2012 Mart ayinda ilk kez %100’u gecerek %100,38 oranina ulasmis, 2018 Haziran ayinda %123,9 orani ile tarihi zirve yaptiktan sonra dusus egilimine girerek 2019 Eylul ayinda %112 olmustur. KMO’daki artis egiliminin faiz oranlari uzerinde baski olusturdugu dusunulmektedir. Bu amacla, 2006/1-2019/9 donemindeki aylik veriler kullanilarak Turkiye’de KMO ile secilmis faiz turleri arasindaki nedensellik iliskisi incelenmistir. Calisma sonucunda, KMO ile mevduat faiz orani arasinda nedensellik iliskisi bulundugu belirlenmistir. Dolayisiyla, Turkiye’de kredi faizlerindeki artisin onlenmesi icin, KMO gelisiminin kontrol altinda tutulmasina ve boylece temel fonlama kaynagi olan mevduat faizlerinin artisinin onlenmesine yonelik tedbirler alinmalidir. English Abstract: There has been a development in financial indicators with the banking sector come up with the growth process after 2002. Some of the important indicators are asset size, loan volume, and return on equity. One of the other important indicators is LDR. LDR was at the level of 71.18% as of 2006 end, exceeding 100% for the first time in March 2012 and reached 100.38%, after peaking at the level of 123.9% in June 2018, it entered into a downward trend and became 112% in September 2019. It is thought that the increasing trend in LDR puts pressure on interest rates. For this aim, causality relationship between LDR and selected interest rate types is examined in Turkey by using monthly data for the period of 2006/1-2019/9. As a result of the study, it is defined that there is a causality relationship between LDR and deposit interest rate. Therefore, necessary precautions should be taken to keep the development of LDR under control and hence prevent the increase of deposit interest rates, which is the main source of funding, in order to prevent the increase in the loan interest rate in Turkey.
Databáze: OpenAIRE