One-dimensional, forward-forward mean-field games with congestion

Autor: Marc Sedjro, Diogo A. Gomes
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S. 11:901-914
ISSN: 1937-1179
DOI: 10.3934/dcdss.2018054
Popis: Here, we consider one-dimensional forward-forward mean-field games (MFGs) with congestion, which were introduced to approximate stationary MFGs. We use methods from the theory of conservation laws to examine the qualitative properties of these games. First, by computing Riemann invariants and corresponding invariant regions, we develop a method to prove lower bounds for the density. Next, by combining the lower bound with an entropy function, we prove the existence of global solutions for parabolic forward-forward MFGs. Finally, we construct traveling-wave solutions, which settles in a negative way the convergence problem for forward-forward MFGs. A similar technique gives the existence of time-periodic solutions for non-monotonic MFGs.
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