Encoding object-location memories along the proximodistal axis of CA1

Autor: Yusuke Teratani-Ota, Brian J. Wiltgen
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The hippocampus is thought to combine “what” and “where” information from the cortex so that objects and events can be represented within the spatial context in which they occur. Surprisingly then, these distinct types of information remain partially segregated in the output region of the hippocampus, area CA1. In this region, objects preferentially activate neurons in the distal segment (adjacent to the subiculum) while spatial locations are precisely represented by neurons in the proximal segment (adjacent to CA2). This difference likely results from distinct anatomical connections; proximal CA1 receives direct input from the medial entorhinal cortex (which encodes spatial context) whereas distal CA1 has reciprocal connections with the lateral entorhinal cortex (which encodes objects and events). Based on these findings, it has been proposed that CA1 contains two distinct representations; one that encodes the animal’s spatial location and another that encodes objects that are present in the environment. The current study aimed to determine the role of distal CA1 in learning the location of objects in an environment. To do this, we first examined c-Fos expression in proximal and distal CA1 to see if we could replicate previous findings and confirm that neurons in these distinct segment are responsive to different stimuli. As previous studies indicate that catecholamines can regulate the activity of segments of CA1, we then investigate the role of catecholamines on learning object locations using 6-OHDA or SCH23390 to lesion catecholaminergic input and block D1/D5 receptors, respectively. Finally, we monitored calcium activity with fiber photometry while animals performed a hippocampal-dependent object location memory task.
Databáze: OpenAIRE