Does the feature positive effect bias vaccination information processing?

Autor: Vandeberg, Lisa, Maas, Gijsje, Eerland, Anita
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Vaccine hesitancy is a major threat to global health. To enable people to make an informed decision regarding vaccines, vaccination communication has focused on providing evidence-based information. However, deciding on vaccination does not merely rely on rational information processing and deliberate thought, but is also affected by other processes, including biases. One potentially highly relevant bias that is overlooked in the vaccine literature is the feature positive effect (FPE). Research on the FPE demonstrates that people experience greater difficulty processing nonoccurring events than occurring events, which impacts memory, judgment, and decision making. The present study investigates (1) whether nonoccurring (e.g., no side effects after vaccination) versus occurring (e.g., side effects after vaccination) vaccine-related events are indeed processed and remembered differently, and (2) whether and how (non)occurrences impact the perceived importance of the information in evaluating a vaccine.
Databáze: OpenAIRE