7. Framing the Problem and Identifying Potential Solutions

Autor: Nafeesa Esmail, Rhys Green, Silviu O. Petrovan, Nick Salafsky, Nigel G. Taylor, Jeremy D. Wilson
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Transforming Conservation ISBN: 9781800648562
Popis: The creation of effective policy and practice starts by framing the problem to be solved. This requires deciding what is important, identifying the current and potential future threats, diagnosing the actual cause of the problems, and identifying solutions, including innovating to create new ones when required. In this chapter we describe various techniques that can be used to frame the problem including horizon scanning, situation models and theory of change diagrams. These can be used to identify the analytical questions and specific assumptions that underpin the assessment of evidence and decision making.
Databáze: OpenAIRE