D-Threonine Aldolase and Its Application to D -β-Hydroxy-£-Amino Acid Synthesis

Autor: Sakayu Shimizu, Hideaki Yamada, Teruzo Miyoshi, Masahisa Ikemi, Tadashi Morikawa, Michihiko Kataoka
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Biochemical Engineering for 2001 ISBN: 9784431681823
Popis: D - β -Hydroxy - α - amino acids such as D-threonine are useful as the intermediate in the synthesis of chiral compounds such as antibiotics. It is difficult to synthesize D-threonine stereospecifically because of having two asymmetric carbons at α - and β -positions. We have found two types of threonine aldolase specific for other stereoisomers than L-threonine. D-Threonine aldolase (DTA) catalyzes the reversible aldol cleavage of D-threonine into glycine and acetaldehyde [1]. This enzyme can provide the synthetic route of D-threonine via the reverse synthesis. In this report, we will describe the isolation and characterization of DTA, and also describe the method of producing D-threonine stereospecifically from glycine and acetaldehyde. This method is based on the phenomena that glycine and threonine participate in the complex formation with metal ions and the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by DTA, as might be referred to as the “metal complex-assisted enzyme reaction”.
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