High-resolution mask inspection in advanced fab

Autor: Kaustuve Bhattacharyya, Michael Lang, Stephen Cox, Bryan Reese, Stephanie Maelzer, Farzin Mirzaagha, Andre Poock
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: High resolution mask inspection in advanced wafer fabs is a necessity. Initial and progressive mask defect problem still remains an industry wide mask reliability issue. Defect incidences and its criticality vary significantly among the type of masks, technology node and layer, fab environment and mask usage. A usage and layer based qualification strategy for masks in production need to be adopted in wafer fabs. With the help of a high-resolution direct reticle inspection, early detection of critical and also non-critical defects at high capture rates is possible. A high-resolution inspection that is capable of providing necessary sensitivity to critical emerging defects (near edge) is very important in advanced nodes. At the same time, a way to disposition (make a go / no-go decision) on these defective masks is also very important. As the impact of these defects will depend on not only their size, but also on their transmission and MEEF, various defect types and characteristics have to be considered. In this technical report the adoption of such a high-resolution mask inspection system in wafer fab production is presented and discussed. Data on this work will include inspection results from advanced masks, layer and product based inspection pixel assignment, defect disposition and overall wafer fab strategies in day-to-day production towards mask inspection.
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