Avaliação da Técnica de Disrupção Sexual Utilizando Emissores SPLAT® Visando ao Controle de Bonagota salubricola (Meyrick) e Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) na Pré-colheita de Maçãs da Cultivar ‘Fuji’

Autor: Cristiano João Arioli, Agenor Mafra-Neto, Lino Bittencourt Monteiro, Marcos Botton, Patrik Pastori
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: BioAssay. 3
ISSN: 1809-8460
DOI: 10.14295/ba.v3.0.61
Popis: The sexual disruption of Bonagota salubricola (Meyrick) and Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) was evaluated in a commercial apple orchard using SPLAT Grafo + Bona® (SG+B) and SPLAT Cida Grafo + Bona® (SCG+B) dispensers compared with the management adopted in the Integrated Apple Production (IAP). The dispensers were applied (1kg/ha) in the pre-harvest of ‘Fuji’ cultivar distributed in 300 (SG+B) and 1000 (SCG+B) points/ha in experimental units (EU) of 5 ha each treatment. Male capture of both species adults were evaluated weekly in Delta traps with specific sexual pheromone from March - May/2005 (2004/05 season) and August - November/2005 (2005/06 season). Damage on fruits was evaluated in the harvest. Dispensers application promoted a significative reduction in the male population of B. salubricola and G. molesta in Delta traps when compared with IAP. However, this reduction in the capture had no correlation with damage caused by B. salubricola and G. molesta in the harvest, that was similar in the treatments with pheromone SG+B (3 and 0%) and SCG+B (3.5 and 0%) and in the IAP (4.75 and 0.25%), respectively. Adult population of G. molesta at the beginning of the 2005/06 season was lower (29.3 and 25.8 adults) in the EU (284.8 adults) that received the dispensers in 2004/05 season, showing a significant effect of the treatment with pheromone on overwintering generation of this species, but not of B. salubricola.
Databáze: OpenAIRE