A Virtual Reality Training System for Flood Security

Autor: Zhigeng Pan, Zizhen Fan, Rui Dai
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Transactions on Edutainment XVI ISBN: 9783662615096
Popis: As we can see in the real world, there are frequent public security accidents (earthquake, fire, virus, and flood) in the past years. When the ordinary people are facing the flood disaster, they often do not know how to avoid danger and save themselves. By using the most advanced VR technology, we can popularize public safety knowledge, and improve public security awareness. This paper first describes the related works in flood simulation modeling, VR training, and interacting techniques in VR systems. Then it discusses the implementation of a virtual training system for flood security education based on Unity3D engine which is widely used for the time being. The users can not only experience the horror of public safety disasters in the virtual world, but also learn how to save himself in the event of flood disasters in the virtual environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE