Towards Measuring Global DDoS Attack Capacity

Autor: Arturs Lavrenovs
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: CyCon
Popis: In today's Internet, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks play an ever-increasing role and constitute a risk to any commercial, military or governmental entity that has a presence on the Internet or simply has an Internet connection. To address this threat on all levels, decision-makers have to rely on trustworthy information regarding attack capacity, sources, and the largest contributors. The lack of this information limits the ability of technicians, policymakers, and other relevant decision-makers to remediate the issue as efficiently as possible. This research introduces a methodology for measuring the properties of individual devices participating in such attacks. These properties include rate limiting, amplification factor, and speed, which allows the calculation of each device's actual contribution to the attack capacity. This methodology was implemented as a proof of concept for the NTP protocol and the results indicate that it has promising potential. Individual measurements aggregated together provide insights into particular abused protocols: all the protocols together could provide the global DDoS attack capacity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE