S1 dataset

Autor: Schmid, Samuel
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/jauq3
Popis: The files saved here contain the data reported in the article: Uncovering hierarchical structure through statistical dependency The files Experiment 2 data.csv and Experiment 1 data.csv contain the data from experiment 1 and 2, respectively. The files Experiment 1 training.csv and Experiment 2 training.csv contain the results of the training blocks for experiment 1 and 2, respectively. The data files are organized as follow : The column “Participants” indicate the participants number. The column “Block” indicate the experimental block number. The column “Trial” indicate the trial number. The column “Trial.id” indicate the colour of the presented circle (0 = red, 1 = blue). The column “ACC” indicate whether the response given by participants was correct "1" or incorrect "0". The trials where no responses was given after 1200 ms are indicated by “timeout”. The column “RT” indicate the reaction time in milliseconds. The column “Grammar” indicate the grammar used to generate the sequence. The column "k.points" indicates whether a trial was a k-point (K-point) or not (NaN). The columns "level.n" contrast the points that are disambiguated and not disambiguated at each level. The disambiguated points at lower levels are coded with NaN. Since the analysis only compares 1s to 1s and 0s to 0s, non-disambiguated points at level n that do not have the same identity as disambiguated points at the same level are also coded with NaN.
Databáze: OpenAIRE