
Autor: 顏志龍 Tzu-Yi Chang, 鄭瑩妮 Chih-Long Yen
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: 應用心理研究. 76:001-030
ISSN: 1560-9251
Popis: 本研究以建構層次理論(construal level theory)觀點切入,探討熟悉性對空間知覺之影響。綜觀過去研究,熟悉性實為心理距離的操弄方式之一,而心理距離會影響人們的認知處理;當心理距離遠時,人們採用較高的建構層次作認知處理,此時空間知覺可能較大;當心理距離近時,人們採用較低的建構層次作認知處理,此時空間知覺可能較小。本研究以兩個研究探討熟悉性對空間知覺之影響。研究一採調查法,調查某大學新生與舊生對校園特定地點之間的行走距離判斷是否有顯著差異;研究結果部份支持假設,顯示相對於舊生,對校園較不熟悉的新生對校園地點之空間知覺較大。研究二採單因子(熟悉/不熟悉)受試者內實驗設計,研究參與者為某大學搭乘校車者,操弄校車站牌的熟悉性,測量研究參與者對站牌之間行走時間之判斷。研究結果顯示相對於高熟悉站牌,人們對低熟悉站牌間行走時間之預測較多。綜而言之,本研究發現熟悉性會影響空間知覺,對情境愈不熟悉時,人們對該空間之知覺也愈大。 Building on the construal level theory (Trope & Liberman, 2010), this research investigated the impact of familiarity on human spatial perceptions. When the psychological distance is deemed far (vs. near), individuals adopt a higher construal level to execute cognitive operations, and the spatial perceptions could thus be larger. This research used two studies to examine the impact of environmental familiarity. The survey employed in study 1 examined whether first-year university students and senior university students differ in judging the walking distance of particular locations on the campus. The results partially supported the hypotheses, showing that first-year (vs. senior) students perceived a larger space distance between campus locations. A one-factor (familiarity/unfamiliarity) within-subjects experiment was employed in study 2. The results showed that comparing to the high familiar bus stops, participants reported more walking time perceptions for the low familiar bus stops. Overall, this research found that familiarity would affect spatial perceptions.  
Databáze: OpenAIRE