Adiabatic approximation forW * quantum systems with particles of massm,M as (m/M)1/2?0

Autor: Hans H. Grelland
Rok vydání: 1985
Zdroj: International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 24:179-192
ISSN: 1572-9575
DOI: 10.1007/bf00672652
Popis: The (m/M)1/2→0 limit and the adiabatic approximation for a nonrelativistic system consisting of light and heavy particles of massesm,M are studied. The method used involves a standard representation of quantum mechanics, in which the limit above exists. The standard representation is described in some detail, and the Primas-Raggio theorem is derived, which implies that the limit (m/M)1/2→0, the heavy-particle system is a static, semiclassical system, i.e., with a commutative algebra of observables. The adiabatic approximation is derived as the leading correction.
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