Clinical System Design Considerations for Critical Handoffs

Autor: Jia-Wen Guo, Bonnie Mowinski Jennings, Nancy Staggers, Jacquelyn W. Blaz
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Human Centered Design ISBN: 9783642028052
HCI (10)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02806-9_121
Popis: Change of shift report (CoSR) is a nurse-to-nurse communication event (handoff) that could potentially result in missed or incomplete information, time inefficiencies and patient errors. Although technology is touted as being amenable for this process, researchers have not yet evaluated how CoSR might be supported through computerization. This paper summarizes past research on this critical transition, describes the results of a qualitative study for shift report content on medical and surgical units in the U.S. and then outlines requirements for computerized support of the process. Three potential CoSR designs are provided and discussed: a patient summary screen, a personally-tailored design for nurses, and a problem-oriented design. Benefits and disadvantages of each are proposed.
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