Hematologic and Therapeutic Effects of High-Dose AraC/Mitoxantrone (HAM) in the Induction Treatment of Patients with Newly Diagnosed AML. A Trial by AML Cooperative Group

Autor: G. Innig, Achim Heinecke, A. Heyll, T. Büchner, W.-D. Ludwig, K. Buntkirchen, W. Gaßmann, Maria-Cristina Sauerland, Eva Lengfelder, E. Augion Freire-Innig, W. Hiddemann, A. Boeckmann, Helmut Löffler, Bernhard Wörmann, Georg Maschmeyer, B. Lathan
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Acute Leukemias V ISBN: 9783642789090
Popis: In a multicenter randomised trial in newly diagnosed AML under age 60 double induction using TAD-HAM was more effective than TAD-TAD by more remissions in slow responders (p =.03) and a trend to higher overall remission and 5 year remission rates. In the TAD-HAM arm a progressive delay of blood cell recovery times from course to course suggests an impairment of normal and possibly also of leukemic stem cells which can explain the 40% continuous remissions in unselected patients.
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