Rhabdias lamothei Mart, Nez-Salazar & Le��n-R��gagnon, 2006, n. sp

Autor: Mart, Elizabeth A., Nez-Salazar, Le��n-R��gagnon, Virginia
Rok vydání: 2006
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5693922
Popis: Rhabdias lamothei n. sp. (Figs 1���3) Description Based on 9 parthenogenetic females: Body coiled, elongated (Fig. 1). Outer layers of cuticle not swollen, fine transversal striations on the posterior 2 / 3 of the body (Fig. 3. C). Length 2.51���3.43 (2.83 �� 0.30) mm, maximum width 127���175 (149 �� 16). Anterior end truncated, posterior end tapered. Oral opening surrounded by 6 lips distributed in two lateral groups of three (Fig. 3. A). Each lip bearing single small papilla. Amphids on lateral lips. Buccal capsule cup��shaped in lateral view, circular in apical view (Fig. 2. A, B), 38���77 (53 �� 2) deep, with 11���19 (15 �� 2) wide. Esophagus slender��club shape, length 255���317 (289 �� 2), 8.36���12.46 (10.31) % of body length (BL). Esophagus width 23���34 (27 �� 3) at anterior end; muscular region 31���38 (36 �� 2) wide; glandular region 27���34 (29 �� 2). Esophageal bulb 42���50 (46 �� 3) wide, inflated corpus absent (Fig. 2. A). Nerve ring at 155���220 (186 �� 2) from anterior end. Excretory pore, located near posterior margin of nerve ring (Fig. 2. A), excretory duct lined with thin cuticle. Pair of excretory glands indistinct. Rectum thick��walled. Intestine wide and filled with brown and black contents, allowing its differentiation from the other internal structures. Vulva equatorial, lips indistinct (Fig 2. C). Distance from the anterior end of the body to vulva 1.19���1.88 (1.43 �� 0.21) mm, 46.24���54.88 (50.41) % of BL. Genital system amphidelphic. Ovaries lying along intestine. Uteri thin��walled. Tail conical, markedly elongated (Fig 2. D, Fig 3. B), 124���375 (200 �� 81), 4.49���12.28 (6.98) % of BL, with sharp terminal point (Fig. 3. C). Few eggs, most of them embryonated, and few near vulva containing larvae 34���65 (53 �� 9) long, 27���58 (33 �� 10) wide (Fig. 2. E).
Published as part of Mart, Elizabeth A., Nez-Salazar & Le��n-R��gagnon, Virginia, 2006, Rhabdias lamothei n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae) from Leptodeira maculata (Colubridae) in Mexico, including new records of R. fuscovenosa (Railliet, 1899) Goodey, 1924, pp. 27-48 in Zootaxa 1257 on page 29, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.173104
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