Análise de cointegração e geração de cenários na alocação de investimentos em previdência complementar

Autor: Jansen Maria Del Corso, June Alisson Westarb Cruz, Wesley Vieira da Silva, Wevergton Junior Adão
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa. 12:288-303
ISSN: 1677-7387
Popis: The objective of this work is to present for an investment portfolio allocation taking into consideration long-term relations between financial assets and economy indexes. The observed data are from a time series of economic indicators, as well the financial market, encompassing the period of the Real Plan establishment. The gathered results assist in the understanding of decision structures from a Closed Pension Fund, generating information on the relations of long-term period from variables which can be used as parameters for probabilistic scenarios. All things considered, several tactics of investments are evaluated in terms of their performance throughout a 40-year projection. The validation of results is carried through by means of a statistical package S-Plus, allowing a deeper analysis over the strategy adopted, regarding the need of risks management, specifically those associated with the maintenance of the pension fund solvency.
Databáze: OpenAIRE