Plutonium-uranium-molybdenum fume characteristics and sand filtration

Autor: D.R. McFee, J. Sedlet
Rok vydání: 1968
Zdroj: Journal of Nuclear Energy. 22:641-650
ISSN: 0022-3107
DOI: 10.1016/0022-3107(68)90066-x
Popis: The efficiency of sand for the removal of a PuUMo alloy fume from air, as well as some of the characteristics of the fume, was investigated. A plasma torch was used to generate the fume. The superficial face velocities at which the fume was drawn through 6-in. depths of sand were adjusted from 1 to 133 fpm. Velocities through 30-in. deep sand columns were adjusted from 1 to 28 fpm. Penetration through 6 in. of sand varied from 0·08 to 0·57 per cent over the full range of velocities. Penetration through 30 in. of sand varied from 0·004 per cent at 28 fpm to 0·019 per cent at 5 fpm. Penetration values for 30 in. of sand followed by a high-efficiency particulate air filter were less than 0·0001 per cent. The geometric mean diameter of the particles was 0·07 μ with a standard deviation of 2·7. Discrete particle sizes ranged from The particles consisted mainly of polycrystalline and non-crystalline oxides of plutonium, uranium, and molybdenum.
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