Spring Protection and Management: Context, History and Examples of Spring Management in India

Autor: Jared Buono
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Groundwater Development and Management ISBN: 9783319751146
Popis: Springs support hundreds of millions of people across India, providing safe, reliable water for domestic, agricultural and other purposes. But springs are in crisis as ecological degradation, climate change and increasing demand for water put pressure on these sensitive and limited natural resources. Improved management of springs is required to ensure water security for people in mountain regions, as well as downstream communities in the plains. In response to the crisis, a new approach to spring management is being adopted in many parts of the country. It combines the science of hydrogeology with local knowledge and participation to map the catchment area – the springshed – for targeted treatments such as restoration or protection. Results have been generally positive in terms of increased spring discharge and higher water quality. Local governance has also been seen to improve because decentralization of science and revival of traditional knowledge empowers local institutions. The springshed management approach has been scaled with public investment in several locations. This chapter describes this approach and highlights experiences in implementation from around the country. It also makes the case for the importance of springs and the need for protection, giving both context and history to the current state of spring management. Knowledge gaps and recommendations are discussed at the close of the chapter.
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