Знaчeниe AКTГ для пroцecca oбraзoвaния кomплeкcныч coeдинeний гeпarинa в кroви пrи иmmoбилизaциoннom cтrecce

Autor: Б.A. Кyдrяшoч, Ф.Б. Шaпиro, Л.A. Ляпинa, Shapiro Fb, L.A. Liapina, E. G. Lomovskaja, B.A. Kudrjashov, Э.Г. Лomoвcкaя
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Thrombosis Research. 7:285-295
ISSN: 0049-3848
DOI: 10.1016/0049-3848(75)90187-5
Popis: Under stress condition due to 30 min immobilization the total non-enzymatic fibrinolytic activity in rats is increased 4-fold, its proportion in the overall fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma being increased 1,5-fold. After pretreatment with ACTH (5–15 units) the same stress leads to more significant increase of non-enzymatic fibrinolysis which is 2,5 times higher than that in the absence of ACTH. The activity of fibrinogenheparin, epinephrineheparin, plasminogenheparin and plasminheparin complexes is increased 1,5–2,5 fold. ACTH induced a more efficient formation of heparin complexes also in the absence of stress. Its action is revealed in the course of 24 hours. Under blocked ACTH secretion as a result of DOCA treatment immobilization stress does not followed by increase of complex formation. The effect of ACTH on the formation of heparin complexes is mediated by stimulation of the adrenal cortex and by an increase in the corticosteroid level in the organism. Evidence of this has been produced from experiments on rats using ACTH treatment at different intervals after adrenalectomy. During first 24 hours after adrenalectomy when the additional cortical tissue is yet not active the injection of ACTH does not intensify heparin complexes formation. In 96 hours after adrebalectomy additional cortical tissue already responds to ACTH and accordingly stress after pretreatment with ACTH results in a greater increase of non=enzymatic fibrinolytic activity than that without ACTH.
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