Precise Tiltmeter Subsidence Monitoring Enhances Reservoir Management

Autor: Chris Wright, S.L. Demetrius, G. Craley, J. Choi, E.J. Davis
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: All Days.
DOI: 10.2118/62577-ms
Popis: Subsidence monitoring is most commonly conducted using either level surveys or GPS surveys of elevation monuments to determine changes in elevation across a field as a result of injection and production activities. Several operators near Bakersfield, CA are using tiltmeter-based subsidence monitoring to obtain highly detailed maps of subsidence with continuous data acquisition. The tiltmeter measured subsidence is then correlated to production and injection on a day-by-day basis so the impact of individual injection and production events can be quantified. The data is presented in a video format that allows visual assessment of the field motion. In some fields, the monitoring array is also equipped with monuments for periodic level survey and GPS measurements of the ground motion. This paper discusses the design and installation of tiltmeter subsidence monitoring arrays and the format of the results. In addition, the subsidence data is correlated to field activities to show how the monitoring can be used to correlate ground movement with reservoir events.
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