Optical phonon confinement in zinc oxide nanoparticles

Autor: B. S. Bendre, Akhilesh K. Arora, Shailaja Mahamuni, M. Rajalakshmi
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Physics. 87:2445-2448
ISSN: 1089-7550
DOI: 10.1063/1.372199
Popis: Effect of confinement is investigated on optical phonons of different symmetries in the nanoparticles of zinc oxide with wurtzite structure using Raman spectroscopy. An optical phonon confinement model is used for calculating the theoretical line shapes, which exhibit different asymmetric broadening and shifts, depending on the symmetries of phonon and their dispersion curves. The best fit to the data is found for particle diameters consistent with those estimated using x-ray diffraction.
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