Multiple Blood Group Antibody Formation from a Single Blood Transfusion

Autor: Eloise R. Giblett, Jeanne Chase
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Previously reported cases of multiple blood group antibody formation have been described either in patients with “collagen” disease or recipients of repeated blood transfusions. A presumably normal, 49-year-old nurse was recently found to have anti-E, anti-K, and anti-Fya in her serum. The only possible antigenic stimulus was one bottle of blood received five years previously during a laminectomy. The donor red cells were found to have E, K and Fya antigens.The investigated subject was group O, CDe/CDe. Her serum contained high-titered anti-A and B agglutinins as well as hemolysins. The indirect Coombs titer of anti-K was 1:256; anti-Fya, 1:32; and anti-E, 1:16. There was no anemia or reticulocytosis. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was normal, and a lupus cell preparation negative. The serum electrophoretic pattern was not remarkable, and no antibodies to Salmonella or Brucella were demonstrable.There was a history of rheumatic fever in childhood and later, a questionable diagnosis of gout. In early adulthood, a severe bout of pneumonia was followed by increased susceptibility to upper respiratory infections.The clinical and laboratory aspects of this case were briefly discussed.
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