Nuclear gamma rays from π±-induced nucleon removal reactions on23Na,31P and32S

Autor: J Kossler, D. Joyce, B. J. Lieb, V. G. Lind, H S Plendl, O Funsten, C E Stronach, W. F. Lankford
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics. 10:1249-1267
ISSN: 0305-4616
Popis: Spectra of gamma rays in coincidence with incident stopped pi -, 220 MeV pi -, and 180 MeV pi + were taken with 23Na and natural S targets. Spectra were also taken with incident 180 MeV pi + and 220 MeV pi - for a 31P target. The cross sections of a variety of levels in residual nuclei formed by single-, two- and multi-nucleon removal were observed, determined and analysed. The morphology of these spectra suggests a mixture of direct and cascade/evaporation processes. Cross sections calculated with an intranuclear cascade/statistical evaporation code are in good agreement with the majority of the cross sections observed for multi-nucleon removal processes.
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