Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation for the Upper Limb

Autor: Mehmet Gövercin, Isabelle Missala, Michael Marschollek, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: GeroPsych. 23:79-90
ISSN: 1662-971X
Popis: This paper provides a systematic overview of clinical trials investigating the effectiveness and usefulness of virtual rehabilitation (VR) and telerehabilitation (TR) for upper-limb recovery post stroke. Twenty-seven out of 116 hits showed positive results for outcome measurements. Whereas one randomized controlled trial (n = 81) showed no difference in outcome after VR, another (n = 10) yielded positive results in clinical outcome. Although general recommendations cannot be given, VR and TR approaches are feasible for upper-limb rehabilitation post stroke. Immersive VR approaches were shown to be effective compared to control groups. While nonimmersive VR did not prove to be effective, evidence from noncontrolled trials revealed that nonimmersive VR may prove to be effective compared to standard care.
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