Population Composition, Migration Timing, and Harvest of Columbia River Chinook Salmon in Late Summer and Fall

Autor: M. A. Jepson, Brian J. Burke, Christopher A. Peery, Matthew L. Keefer, George P. Naughton
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 30:72-88
ISSN: 1548-8675
DOI: 10.1577/m08-078.1
Popis: We used radiotelemetry to evaluate population composition, run timing, and reservoir harvest patterns for adult Columbia River fall-run Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Chinook salmon (n = 5,886) were collected at Bonneville Dam during August–October over 7 years. We selected for upriver bright (URB) populations en route to interior basin spawning sites because these groups are priority populations for both fisheries and conservation efforts. Run composition varied within and among years, but in all years a relatively large percentage of the earliest migrants returned to upper Columbia River sites and the majority of late-run fish returned to the Columbia River Hanford Reach. Deschutes, Yakima, and Snake River populations typically constituted small (≤17%) but relatively constant proportions of the run throughout each migration season. Population-specific migration timing distributions indicated modest but persistent timing differences among populations, particularly for Hanford Reach and...
Databáze: OpenAIRE