L'articulation carpo-métacarpienne. Etude radio-dynamique

Autor: Schuhl Jf, Terisse C
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Annales de Chirurgie de la Main. 8:179-180
ISSN: 0753-9053
DOI: 10.1016/s0753-9053(89)80012-2
Popis: The authors report the results of 178 dynamic A-P X-rays of the wrist. Calculation of the angles between the radius and the capitate and between the radius and the third metacarpal during movements of maximal abduction and adduction of the wrist demonstrates carpo-metacarpal mobility, so that during ulnar inclination, the joint accentuates the global displacement while in radial inclination, it decreases it.
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