Analysis of the MODIS Above-Cloud Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm Using MCARS

Autor: Arlindo da Silva, Galina Wind, Kerry Meyer, Steven Platnick, Peter M. Norris
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The Multi-sensor Cloud and Aerosol Retrieval Simulator (MCARS) presently produces synthetic radiance data from Goddard Earth Observing System version 5 (GEOS-5) model output as if the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) was viewing a combination of atmospheric column inclusive of clouds, aerosols and a variety of gases and land/ocean surface at a specific location. In this paper we use MCARS to study the MODIS Above-Cloud AEROsol retrieval algorithm (MOD06ACAERO). MOD06ACAERO is presently a regional research algorithm able to retrieve aerosol optical thickness over clouds, in particular absorbing biomass burning aerosols overlying marine boundary layer clouds in the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean. The algorithm's ability to provide aerosol information in cloudy conditions makes it a valuable source of information for modeling and climate studies in an area where current clear sky-only operational MODIS aerosol retrievals effectively have a data gap between the months of June and October. We use MCARS for a verification and closure study of the MOD06ACAERO algorithm. Our simulations indicate that the MOD06ACAERO algorithm performs well for marine boundary layer clouds in the SE Atlantic provided some specific screening rules are observed. For the present study, a combination of five simulated MODIS data granules was used for a dataset of 13.5 million samples with known input conditions. When pixel retrieval uncertainty was less than 30 %, optical thickness of the underlying cloud layer was greater than 4 and scattering angle range within the cloud bow was excluded, MOD06ACAERO retrievals agreed with the underlying ground truth (GEOS-5 cloud and aerosol profiles used to generate the synthetic radiances) with a slope of 0.913, offset of 0.06, and RMSE = 0.107. When only near-nadir pixels were considered (view zenith angle within +/−20 degrees) the agreement with source data further improved (0.977, 0.051 and 0.096 respectively). Algorithm closure was examined using a single case out of the five used for verification. For closure, the MOD06ACAERO code was modified to use GEOS-5 temperature and moisture profiles as ancillary. Agreement of MOD06ACAERO retrievals with source data for the closure study had a slope of 0.996 with offset −0.007 and RMSE of 0.097 at pixel uncertainty level of less than 40 %, illustrating the benefits of high-quality ancillary atmospheric data for such retrievals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE