Improving the Ecological Status of Laying Hens By Increasing Iodine Nutrition

Autor: B. S. Kaloev, F.M. Kulova, V. V. Nogaeva, L. Kh. Albegova
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: KnE Life Sciences.
ISSN: 2413-0877
Popis: One of the main problems of poultry farms located in the industrially polluted area is environmentally friendly products production. Iodine supplements in the rations of laying hens have a positive effect on mineral metabolism and the elimination of heavy metals from their bodies. To conduct the research according to the group-analog method, 4 groups of laying hens of the UK-Kuban UK cross were formed – 123, at the age of 29 weeks, 40 animals each. One group served as a control and was treated with a general ration, and the other three groups were experimental and, in addition to the diet, received respectively 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, mg of iodine (as potassium iodide) per 1 kg of feed. Conducted scientific and management experiment and data analysis show that the content of heavy metals in the studied muscles is reduced due to an increase in iodine nutrition. In particular, the zinc content in the chest muscles decreased by 12.3 mg/kg or 35 %, and in the leg muscles by 12.4 mg/kg or 30.7 %. At the same time, an increase in iodine nutrition contributes to a decrease in the concentration of heavy metals in the internal organs, which undoubtedly improves the ecological status of laying hens and the products obtained from them.
Databáze: OpenAIRE