Injektion von Botulinumtoxin A in den Detrusor vesicae zur Behandlung der therapierefraktären Detrusorhyperaktivität bei nicht-neurologischen Patienten

Autor: R. Groh, T. Götz, F. Neugart, R. Horsch
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Aktuelle Urologie. 37:212-217
ISSN: 1438-8820
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-932191
Popis: PURPOSES Botulinum toxin has been recognised as one of the strongest toxins since its discovery approximately 190 years ago. As the first describer, Scott performed medical therapy with botulinum-A-toxin in 1980. Since that time the spectrum of indications for the drug has increased constantly. Urologists use it, e. g., for treatment of detrusor hyperreflexia in neurogenic bladders. Several groups have evaluated the efficacy of the substance in patients with an anticholinergic-refractory detrusor hyperactivity without neurological disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present authors have analysed 16 cases with this symptoms-complex treated with intravesical botulinum-A-toxin injections. RESULTS No severe side effects were observed. The urodynamic parameters of the bladder were improved clearly in all patients, subjective satisfaction was reached in 72.7 %.
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