CFD Analysis of Shell and Coil Heat Exchanger by Using Different Mass Flow Rate for Hot and Cold Fluid

Autor: Ajit Kumar, Vijaykant Pandey
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology. 10:1592-1608
ISSN: 2321-9653
Popis: Shell and Helical coils are eminent coiled tubes which have been used in diversity of solicitations e.g. heat recovery, air-conditioning and preservation schemes, chemical reactors and dairy practices. Shell and Helical coil heat exchanger is the recent improvement of heat exchangers, to accomplish the industrial demand. A shell and helical coil are necessary for various heat exchangers, nuclear reactors and in chemical engineering, for of large quantity of heat is conveying in a slight space with high heat transmission rates and slight habitation time distributions even it suffers through a disadvantage of larger pressure drop. The unbiased of this work is to cheered the pressure drop inside a shell and helical coil heat exchanger, heat transfer progression can be improved by increasing secondary flow inside the coil and this can be allow by appropriate blending of the fluid inside the helical coil. For this, my planned work on CFD to scrutinize the helical coil by using ANSYS 18.2. A 3D design of CAD model of helical coil of tube outer diameter (do) 16 mm, inner diameter of helical coil (di) 12 mm, pitch of 26.3mm, pitch coil dia. 86 mm, tube length of 235 mm, shell diameter is 110 mm and shell length is 215 mm, is generated by using ANSYS fluent 18.2.
Databáze: OpenAIRE