Reliable execution of statechart-generated correct embedded software under soft errors

Autor: Ronaldo Rodrigues Ferreira, Jean Da Rolt, Luigi Carro, Alvaro Moreira, Thilo Vortler, Gabriel L. Nazar, Thomas Klotz, Karsten Einwich
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: DDECS
Popis: This paper proposes a design methodology for fault-tolerant embedded systems development that starts from software specification and goes down to hardware execution. The proposed design methodology uses formally verified and correct-by-construction software created from high-level UML statechart models for software specification and implementation. On the hardware reliability side, this paper uses the MoMa architecture for reliable embedded computing which we deploy as a soft-core onto an off-the-shelf FPGA. MoMa introduces architectural innovations that support the semantics of the UML statechart execution in a reliable fashion. The proposed design methodology is evaluated with a real automotive case study based on an exhaustive FPGA-implemented fault injection campaign.
Databáze: OpenAIRE