Mechanics of Loading and Deforming of Thin-Sheet Blank at Electro-Hydraulic Forming

Autor: Gennady N. Zdor, Viacheslav S. Mamutov
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME). 11:332
ISSN: 2532-5655
DOI: 10.15866/ireme.v11i5.11585
Popis: This paper is devoted to the analysis of loading and deforming mechanics of a thin sheet metal by electro-hydraulic forming. A specific example using the finite-element LS-DYNA code demonstrates some features of a plasma expansion in discharge channel dynamics, pressure in the discharge chamber, loadings and deformation of a sheet metal part. The small influence of a shock wave on plastic strain of sheet metal part in comparison with influence of a hydrostream of a fluid is shown.
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