The Effect of Erythropoietin on Neutrophil Production from Fetal Hematopoietic Progenitors

Autor: Robert D. Christensen
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Cytokines in Hemopoiesis, Oncology, and AIDS ISBN: 9783540522812
Popis: Erythropoietin (EPO) is a humoral regulator of erythropoiesis [1]. Its actions include stimulating proliferation and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors [1], but it also affects certain nonerythroid cells [2–4]. For instance, megakaryocytes [2] and certain cells within developing GM clones [3, 4] respond to EPO. The latter cells, unlike erythroid and megakaryotic cells, respond to EPO by reducing, rather than increasing, formation of progeny [3, 4].
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