Additional file 6 of Genetic variation at the Cyp6m2 putative insecticide resistance locus in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii

Autor: Wagah, Martin G., Korlević, Petra, Clarkson, Christopher, Miles, Alistair, Lawniczak, Mara K. N., Makunin, Alex
Popis: Additional file 6: Fig. S4. Hierarchical clustering and missense mutations for SH2. Top: a dendrogram showing hierarchical clustering of haplotypes across the SH2 gene. The gene is located at position 8,176,778 to 8,183,084: 1,246,231 bases downstream of Cyp6m2. The colour bar indicates the population of origin for each haplotype. Bottom: high frequency (> 5%) alleles identified within each haplotype (white = reference allele; black = alternative allele).
Databáze: OpenAIRE