Corrigendum: 'Macroeconomic Contribution of the Cloud Computing System to the Japanese Economy' in Volume 8 Issue2/ December 2014

Autor: Kenichi Tamegawa, Ryokichi Chida, Yasuharu Ukai
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: The Review of Socionetwork Strategies. 9:75-84
ISSN: 1867-3236
DOI: 10.1007/s12626-015-0057-0
Popis: Several corrections must be made to Tamegawa, Ukai, and Chida [1] due to initial miscalculations. This corrigendum explains the corrections. The growth rate of productivity due to cloud technology, which replicate a 10% rate of firms adopting the cloud-computing system has slightly changed to 9.6% from 10.0%. The differences between the published paper and this corrigendum in two figures are negligibly small. In the short-run dynamics, although the responses to some variables regarding investment after a technology shock have changed, the output response is qualitatively unchanged. The authors would be happy to e-mail all of the calculations to any society member requesting this information.
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