Popis: |
Ordoliberal social policy outlines the normative social order of a free and humane society and is key to the understanding of competitive markets as merely instrumental. It is a specific type of social policy, coined ‘vital policy’ (Rüstow) and ‘structural policy’ (Röpke), which emerged against the background of Ordoliberal critique of unadulterated forms of laissez-faire capitalism, which led to proletarianisation. Ordoliberal social policy contains conservative elements, but it is highly relevant today with respect to its emphasis on local solidarity and equality of opportunity. By empowering the individual to endorse an entrepreneurial spirit, it aims at overcoming mass society and comprehensive welfare states, with their emphasis on material support. Furthermore, Ordoliberal social policy is avant-garde with respect to Sen’s capability approach and ideas of a green economy. |