The minimum convex container of two convex polytopes under translations

Autor: Sang Won Bae, Otfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin, Dongwoo Park, Judit Abardia, Hee-Kap Ahn, Susanna Dann
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Computational Geometry. 77:40-50
ISSN: 0925-7721
DOI: 10.1016/j.comgeo.2018.02.004
Popis: Given two convex d-polytopes P and Q in R d for d ⩾ 3 , we study the problem of bundling P and Q in a smallest convex container. More precisely, our problem asks to find a minimum convex set containing P and a translate of Q that do not properly overlap each other. We present the first exact algorithm for the problem for any fixed dimension d ⩾ 3 . The running time is O ( n ( d − 1 ) ⌊ d + 1 2 ⌋ ) , where n denotes the number of vertices of P and Q. In particular, in dimension d = 3 , our algorithm runs in O ( n 4 ) time. We also give an example of polytopes P and Q such that in the smallest container the translates of P and Q do not touch.
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