A review of the collaborative exercises on DNA typing of the Spanish and Portuguese ISFH working group

Autor: Susana Jiménez, Helena Geada, Christian Doutremepuich, J. Andradas, Angel Carracedo, P. Sanz, Cristina Albarrán, S. M. Marques-Santos, F. J. Montes, Manuel Gené, C. Cabrero, María Sol Rodríguez-Calvo, António Amorim, José A. Lorente, J. M. Ruiz de la Cuesta, Begoña Martínez-Jarreta, M.C. Vide, Daniel Corach, M. F. Terra-Pinheiro, Marian M. de Pancorbo, Oscar Garcia, R. Calvet, Josefina Gómez, M. Crespillo
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: International Journal of Legal Medicine. 110:273-277
ISSN: 1437-1596
Popis: Since 1992 the Spanish and Portuguese Working Group (GEP) of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (ISFH) has been organizing collaborative exercises on DNA profiling with the aim of making progress on standardization and discussing technical and statistical problems in DNA analysis. A total of four exercises (GEP-92 to GEP-95) have been carried out until now. A consequence of these exercises was the creation of a quality control programme in Spain and Portugal in 1995 which was carried out simultaneously with the GEP-95 exercise. The number of participating laboratories increased from 10 in the first exercise (GEP-92) to 19 in the last exercise (GEP-95). Despite this increasing number of participating laboratories, results remained satisfactory. In the last exercises, all the laboratories used PCR-based DNA polymorphisms with an increasing number of markers obtaining good results. SLPs were used by only 30% of laboratories in the last two exercises but the results indicated a good level of expertise in most of these laboratories. The reasons for these successful results are the common use of the EDNAP protocol for SLP analysis and commercially available kits or common sequenced allelic ladders for PCR-based DNA polymorphisms.
Databáze: OpenAIRE