Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Calculations for NASA Trap Wing Using the Code HiFUN

Autor: Sumit K. Patel, Nikhil Shende, Balakrishnan Narayanarao, Ravindra Krishnamurthy
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: 30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-2849
Popis: The present paper consolidates the results of computations performed for NASA Trap Wing during two workshops, SPICES09 and HiLiftPW1 and addresses issues pertaining to CFD prediction of pitching moment and flow unsteadiness near stall angle. The configurations considered in the work include Trap Wing configurations 1 & 8 and configuration 1 with brackets. Steady and time accurate computations are performed for aforesaid configurations using the flow solver HiFUN. The steady computations pertain to grid convergence study, flap setting study, study of eect of brackets and adaptive mesh calculations. The time accurate computations pertain to study of unsteady flow eects at incidences close to stall angle.
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