Valoración de la utilidad y eficacia de un hospital de día en un servicio de patología digestiva

Autor: X. Cussó Fresquet, A. Gallego Moya, J. Pujol Pi, C. Villanueva Sánchez, A. Farré Viladrich, D. González Juan, G. Soriano Pastor, C Gomez Oliva, X. Torras Colell, S. Sáinz Sáenz-Torre, J. Balanzó i Tintoré, C Guarner Aguilar
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Gastroenterología y Hepatología. 24:223-227
ISSN: 0210-5705
Popis: Because public health funds are limited, full advantage should be taken of the resources available. Consequently, hospital stay should be reduced with no loss of health care quality. In our Gastroenterology Department, investigations or treatment requiring a short hospital stay are carried out in a day hospital. Between March 1998 and March 2000, 2,169 patients were treated: 1,862 outpatients and 307 patients referred from another hospital. A total of 95.2% of the outpatients were discharged. Hospital stay was prolonged in 4.8% (91/1,862): 13 due to incomplete investigations, 29 because of worsening of their underlying disease before the procedure and 49 due to complications. The overall complication rate was 2.8% (62/2,169). Six complications developed after discharge; of these two appeared within 24 hours. After the opening of the day hospital, the mean hospital stay in the Gastroenterology Department was reduced from 9.05 days to 6.07 days (p = 0.001). In conclusion, the use of a day hospital in a gastroenterology department is useful, effective, safe and profitable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE