Odocnemis clara Allard 1876

Autor: Nabozhenko, Maxim V., H��va, Ji����
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3798301
Popis: Odocnemis clara Allard, 1876 (Figs 3H, I) Allard, 1876: 37 (Odocnemis); Allard, 1877: 50, 212 (Odocnemis); Seidlitz, 1896: 726, nota [Helops (Odocnemis)]; Gebien, 1943: 426 [Cylindronotus (Odocnemis)]; Nabozhenko, 2008: 37 (Odocnemis); Nabozhenko & L��bl, 2008: 244 (Odocnemis); Nabozhenko & Keskin, 2016: 22 (Odocnemis). Type locality. ��� Syrie ��� in the original description, but the holotype is from ��� Egypt ���. Type material. Holotype (NHML), ♂, with labels: ��� Egypt ��� (hand-written), ��� Odocnemis clarus ��� (hand-written, by Allard), ��� Odocnemis clarus type, All.��� (hand-written), ��� F. Bates Coll. 81���19��� (printing). Redescription. Male, holotype. Body brown, shining, slender. Head widest at eyes level. Eyes convex, large. Ratio of head width at eyes to distance between eyes 1.75. Lateral margin of head between genae and epistoma with very small and obtuse emargination. Genae completely strongly rounded. Punctation of head coarse and dense, punctures round (diameter of punctures 2���3 times as long as interpuncture distance). Antennae long, reaching middle of elytra, 2nd antennomere 3.4 times as long as 1st one. Pronotum weakly transverse (1.12 times as wide as long), widest slightly before middle. Lateral margins moderately rounded, almost straight (weakly sinuated) in basal third, anterior margin weakly rounded, base moderately rounded. Angles of pronotum obtuse, posterior angles distinct, narrowly rounded at apex. Disc moderately convex, completely beaded. Punctation of disc coarse, moderately dense (puncture diameter subequal to as interpuncture distance) Prothoracic hypomera with long longitudinal wrinkles; smooth, finely and sparsely punctated near legs and outer margins. Elytra elongate, widest after middle, with short mucron at apex; lateral margins weakly rounded, 2.8 times as long and 1.3 times as wide as pronotum. Strial punctures oval, often merged in short rows on 2���3 punctures or not merged. Elytral intervals flat, with fine and sparse distinct puncturation. Apical quarter of elytra with smoothed small tubercles. Abdominal ventrites with moderately coarse and dense punctation, without setation; ventrite 5 very weakly widely depressed, with weak pubescence at apex, completely beaded. Inner sternite VIII thickened, strongly sclerotized, ventral side shortly pubescent. Protibiae bisinuate on inner side and widely emarginated on outer side, mesotibiae bent, metatibiae slightly curved inside, without small granules or teeth. Protarsi not widened. Inner side metafemora with transverse wrinkles. Body length��� 12 mm, width��� 4 mm. Distribution. Egypt, without distinct locality. Note. This species is very similar to Odocnemis punctata, from which it differs in the emarginated outer side of protibiae. This taxon is probably only a subspecies or morphological aberration of O. punctata. However, more material is required to establish its status.
Published as part of Nabozhenko, Maxim V. & H��va, Ji����, 2020, To the knowledge of the Near East species of the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini), pp. 319-331 in Zootaxa 4767 (2) on page 324, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4767.2.7, http://zenodo.org/record/3771519
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