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Objective: Increasing incidence of obesity in our country and all over the world and due to concomitant diseases has become a national health problem. Obesity is described as excessive fat accumulation and storing in the body and according to World Health Organization data on 300 million people are affected. Obesity is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and obese patients often carry increased risk for the development of hypertension, dyslipidemia and Type 2 diabetes. Weight reduction provides an improvement in obesity related comorbid conditions. For this purpose, to determine the effectiveness of diet in the prevention of obesity-related cardiovascular risk factors and in order to see the effects of diet on 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease, a prospective and observational clinical study was performed in Mersin University Family Medicine clinic between January and August 2014 with 178 female cases presented with obesity. Methods: Cases were followed with the six-month diet for obesity treatment. At the first advent of cases and 6 months after treatment with diet, staging of obesity according to waist circumference and body mass index, staging of blood pressure and laboratory data (lipid profiles) were performed and 'Framingham Heart Study' based on the results generated seven parameters (age, sex, blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, cigarette use, diabetes and whether they are) scoring system using the 10-year cardiovascular risk were calculated. Results: After dietary treatment of patients, significant reduction in staging and laboratory data could not be detected but within 10 years of cases a significant reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease was found. Conclusion: In obese patients, obesity and associated parameters we are able to provide small improvements in the unseen as significant, even for these cases, our rates of protection from the risk of cardiovascular disease can be quite significant. Amac: Obezite tum dunyada ve ulkemizde artan sikligi ve eslik eden hastaliklari nedeniyle ulusal bir saglik sorunu haline gelmistir. Vucutta asiri olcude yag birikmesi ve depolanmasi olarak tarif edilen obezite, Dunya Saglik Orgutu verilerine gore 300 milyondan fazla insani etkilemektedir. Obezite kardiyovaskuler hastaliklar icin bagimsiz bir risk faktorudur ve obez kisiler siklikla hipertansiyon, dislipidemi ve Tip 2 diyabet gibi hastaliklarin gelisimi acisindan artan risk tasirlar. Kilo azaltilmasi obeziteye bagli bu komorbid durumlarda bir duzelme saglar. Bu amacla, obezite ile iliskili kardiyovaskuler risk faktorlerinin onlenmesinde beslenmenin etkinligini saptamak ve beslenmenin 10 yillik kardiyovaskuler hastalik riski uzerindeki etkilerini gormek amaciyla Mersin Universitesi Aile Hekimligi Klinigine Ocak 2014-Agustos 2014 tarihleri arasinda obezite nedeni ile basvuran 178 kadin vaka ile prospektif ve gozlemsel bir calisma yurutuldu. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya alinan vakalar obeziteye yonelik olarak 6 aylik beslenme tedavisi ile takip edildi. Vakalarin ilk gelis ve 6 aylik beslenme tedavisi sonrasi vucut kitle indeksi, kan basinci, laboratuvar verileri (lipid profili) ve 'Framingham Kalp Calismasi' sonuclarina dayanilarak olusturulmus yedi parametreli (yas, cinsiyet, kan basinci, LDL-kolesterol, HDL-kolesterol, sigara kullanip kullanmama ve diyabet olup olmama) skorlama sistemi kullanilarak 10 yillik kardiyovaskuler risk hesaplamalari yapildi. Bulgular: Vakalarin beslenme tedavisi oncesi degerlendirilen parametrelerinde beslenme tedavisi sonrasi anlamli dususler saptanamadi, fakat vakalarin 10 yil icindeki kardiyovaskuler hastalik gelistirme risklerinde anlamli azalma bulundu. Sonuc: Obez vakalarda obezite ve iliskili parametrelerde anlamli gibi gorunmeyen cok kucuk iyilestirmeler saglayabildigimizde dahi bu vakalari kardiyovaskuler hastalik riskinden koruma oranlarimiz oldukca anlamli olabilmektedir. |