'Theatricalisation' of the lyrical hero in the poetry of Alexander Blok: genesis and ways of artistic realization

Autor: Nataliya G. Koptelova
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. :107-112
ISSN: 1998-0817
DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2019-25-3-107-112
Popis: The article deals with the "theatricalisation" of the lyrical hero, which is a characteristic feature of Alexander Blok’s poetry. It is shown that the desire for theatre, as the highest art form, meets the resistance of the lyrical way of knowing the world that prevails in Alexander Blok’s creative mind. This leads to the fact that the streams of lyricism and theatre in his artistic system collide and interact. As a result, traits which are inherent in the creative thinking of playwrights, actors and stage directors and organic for Alexander Blok are realised on the basis of lyricism. It is proved that the "theatricalisation" of the lyrical hero in Alexander Blok's poetry is expressed both in the reincarnation of the subject, revealing autopsychological experiences (then the reception of the "lyrical mask" arises), and in the statement of the role principle. It is emphasised that the "theatricalisation" of the lyrical hero, occurring in Alexander Blok's verses, leads to the creation of characters whose inner world can be in the most varying degrees of distance from the author's consciousness.
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