Prevention of arterial thromboembolism with acetylsalicylic acid

Autor: Ole Storstein, Jon Dale, Erik Myhre, Leif Efskind, Helge Stormorken
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: American Heart Journal. 94:101-111
ISSN: 0002-8703
Popis: Summary Prevention of arterial thromboembolism with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was studied in 148 patients with single Starr-Edwards aortic bal-lvalve prostheses. These patients are suitable for such a study because they have a high incidence of arterial emboli derived mainly from thrombi formed on the valves. They were given either 1 Gm. of ASA daily or placebo in combination with anticoagulants, and were observed for 2 years. Only two emboli occurred in patients receiving ASA, none of them severe. In the placebo group 12 thromboembolic episodes were diagnosed in 10 patients, and three with cerebral emboli died; in one a subdural hematoma unrelated to the embolus was found. In addition, one fatal and one nonfatal intracranial bleeding occurred in each group, whereas gastrointestinal complications were seen more frequently in patients taking ASA. It is concluded that ASA combined with anti-coagulants offered a significantly better protection against arterial thromboembolism than did anticoagulant therapy alone.
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